
children's books

The Kissing Hand, Audrey Penn. The perfect book for the first day of school.
Someday. Alison McGhee
Perfect for baby girl-I teared up in the middle of B&N the first time I read it.

Spider Sisters, John Trent
My sister Polly gave me this book a few years back and it has the sweetest message.

The House in the Night
, Susan Marie Swanson
(Reminiscent of Good Night Moon, beautiful illustrations. It makes me sleepy, we just got it at christmas.)

The Pigeon Wants a Puppy, Mo Willems
All of his books are hilarious, I laugh each time I read this to the kids.

I sure do love children's books & these are some of my favorites. I used to buy them before I had kids & felt silly. Now I have a perfect legitimate reason. One day I would like to do a kiddo book. Share your faves that I need to have.

1 comment:

Jessica & Clif Barnes said...

Thanks for the books ideas. Have you signed up for the Dolly Parton Imagnination Library? Check it out on the web.