
back to school spazzin'

BACK TO SCHOOL TIZZY. So our first, our guinea pig, is off to K5 at Madison Station-the fabulous public school right around the corner. His day is 7-2:30.

I am all out of sorts because of these things going through my head (and you don't have to read all this junk, really just go to this link at the bottom-this article is sooooo good):

-My big boy is growing up before.my.eyes. He discreetly removed his cute/yet cool (so I thought!) laminated bag tag from his backpack mid-day. Saying that he didn't need it on his backpack. Killing me.
-He doesn't want me to pack his lunch anymore because everyone eats in the cafeteria. Doubt that.
-How hard it is to trust people you do not know yet. This is an awesome school-I know, but I am not connected yet. Even though I keep buying blue/orange to connect myself.
-How proud I am of Henry, he was not timid at all the first day, not worried about finding his classroom, riding the bus, not knowing ANYONE in his class-none of those things seemed to bother him. He was just up for the adventure. 
-I am excited to have the kids tucked away on a regular basis to do some normal human things sans kids. But at the same time, it is hitting me so hard-that Henry is needing me a little less this year.

I really wanted to write a note to the bus driver for Henry's first day ride, explaining that his head is in the clouds & he will not pay attention to his stop, please don't let him right home with you. I wanted to tell his bus driver how much I appreciated her in her under appreciated job. Reminding her that she had precious cargo. Then I realized I had to chill out & remind myself that giving a hand scribed note on day 1 was too much. Henry loved his first bus ride, and reported that she drove really fast and he wish I would drive that fast. Geez, not helping out crazy mama right now.

All the blabbing I'm doing is something all moms deal with-letting go. I guess I just thought I would be immune to it, because I have been secretly looking forward to big school & the day all 3 of mine are in big school. But again, I need to chill out and enjoy little school and not rush all of it.

On a different but school related topic, such a wise thing to touch on as moms & dads.

Words from Glennon Melton of Momastery 

Baby, if you see a child being left out, or hurt, or teased, a part of your heart will hurt a little. Your daddy and I want you to trust that heartache. Your whole life, we want you to notice and trust your heartache. That heartache is called compassion, and it is God's signal to you to do something. It is God saying, Chase! Wake up! One of my babies is hurting! Do something to help! Whenever you feel compassion -- be thrilled! It means God is speaking to you, and that is magic. It means He trusts you and needs you.

Full article here:


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